Be a Label Reader!

When you clean and disinfect your home, you shouldn’t have to worry about exposure to chemicals that harm your health. 

But many common cleaning products contain hazardous ingredients that can cause asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Now more than ever, protecting the health of yourself and your loved ones matters. Choose safer cleaning and disinfecting products that avoid harmful ingredients and are just as effective. 

Learn which products to look for and where to get them.

Four multi-colored spray bottles in a row with a hand holding a magnifying glass over the first one
Safer Cleaning for Residents

Choose safer cleaning and disinfecting products – here’s how:

Look for products that have trusted labels: Products with these labels are just as effective, but avoid harmful ingredients like ammonia and chlorine bleach that can cause health issues.

safer clean logos

Find safer all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, furniture polish, and more using the EPA’s Safer Choice product search tool.

Find EPA-approved disinfectants with safer active ingredients using the SF Approved search tool.

Find your nearest store that carries safer products* 

*Please note: Product availability may be affected by the pandemic. Call ahead to stores  to confirm product availability. Featured retailers appear in yellow and large retailers appear in blue.

Read product labels - Many cleaning products contain hazardous ingredients. If you see the words "caution", "warning", or "danger" on a cleaning product’s label, read the fine print to protect your family’s health. Be sure to follow printed instructions closely.


Learn more

The image shows two brown spray bottles labeled "BATHROOM CLEANER" and "KITCHEN CLEANER," placed on a wooden surface. There is also a wooden dish brush and a white cloth nearby. The setting appears to be a clean and organized kitchen or cleaning area, with a sink and faucet visible in the background. The overall aesthetic is simple and eco-friendly, with a focus on natural materials.

Tips for less toxic home cleaning

Illustrations of common household cleaning items

Dispose of household hazardous waste safely

Environmentally friendly spray disinfectant bottles

Safer products for City Staff

Attract customers to your business! 

Commit to carrying safer cleaning and disinfecting products and your business will be featured on our store locater, where SF residents can find you.

Choose the right products - Carry products with the Green Seal and Safer Choice labels*

Use safer products in your business - Safer cleaning and disinfecting products protect the health of employees and customers by avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause or trigger asthma. This is especially relevant during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Custodial staff cleaning glass in a commercial office building

Custodial Green Cleaning

San Francisco buildings downtown

Safer products and practices in the workplace

Business owner leans outside of entry door and points to "Green Business" decal sticker displayed in window

Become a San Francisco Green Business