Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance

SF Environment Department

(Rev. April 2024)

This form can be used to record compliance or request a waiver for the Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance.

Environment Code Chapter 31; Department of the Environment Regulations SFE-21-01-EVO

Environment Code Chapter 31, Section 3102 states that beginning on January 1, 2023, any commercial parking lot or garage with more than 100 parking spaces designated for automobiles shall provide Level 2 Charging Stations to at least 10% of the parking spaces designated for automobiles, provided that the maximum number of parking spaces where Level 2 Charging Stations are required shall be no more than 200 parking spaces per Commercial Parking Lot or Garage location.

Fast Charging Stations can be substituted for Level 2 Charging Stations. For the purposes of this ordinance, Level 2 Charging Station means an electric vehicle charging station that supplies electricity in any amount less than 40 kW, supplied by a circuit with capacity meeting manufacturer specification and not less than a 208/240V AC at 40 amps circuit. Fast Charging Station means an electric vehicle charging station that supplies electricity at a rate of 40 kW or higher.  

Check out our Fact Sheet for more information about the ordinance. 
Got Questions? Please email with any questions or comments about the Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance.

Site and Contact Information

  • Form fields marked with * are required
  • Please submit this information so that we can follow up with you.

e.g., 415-123-4567

Form A : Statement of Compliance

Fill out this form to certify that you are in compliance with the Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance. For more information, please check out our Ordinance Fact Sheet.

  • Form fields marked with * are required
Compliance Information and Statement
Please provide information for at least one charging station type below.  In the event you are installing both types, please complete both sections.
10. Total Number of Level 2 Charging Ports Installed
Please note, some charging stations have more than 1 port.
Number of Public Level 2 Charging Ports Output per Station (in kW)
e.g., 4
e.g., 7
11. Total Number of Fast Charging Ports Installed
Please note, some charging stations have more than 1 port.
Number of Public Fast Charging Ports Output per Station (in kW)
e.g., 3
e.g., 100

15. Charging Station Provider Information

e.g., 415-123-4567

I declare that I have entered or examined this information, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

Please type in your full name.

Form B : Full or Partial Waiver Request

Fill out this form to request a waiver from the Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance. For more information, please check out our Ordinance Fact Sheet.

  • Form fields marked with * are required
Waiver Evaluation Request

Lack of Electrical Capacity

11. The existing local utility infrastructure is unable to supply sufficient electrical capacity to meet the requirements of Chapter 31. 

e.g., 400

e.g., 600

e.g., 40000

e.g., 415-123-4567

Full waiver under this section shall expire five years after the date the Director grants the waiver.

Technical Infeasibility

11. The existing site conditions make it technically infeasible to install the infrastructure to comply with the requirements of Chapter 31.

Please provide information for the company that conducted the site analysis.

Full waiver under this section shall expire five years after the date the Director grants the waiver.

Financial infeasibility

11. I have made good faith efforts to enter into an agreement with at least two companies that install, maintain, and operate Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to comply with the requirements of Chapter 31 at minimal or no cost to my Commercial Parking Lot or Garage, but such companies declined because such an agreement was not financially viable.
Please provide information for each company that conducted a site analysis.
Company 1

Company 2

Full waiver under this section shall expire two years after the date the Director grants the waiver.
Please submit site assessment reports or analyses from 2 different vendors showing financial infeasibility:

Temporary 1 year waiver


I declare that I have entered or examined this information, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

Please type in your full name.